The Wesleyan Eco-Map is a new project to create user-friendly maps of our campus that will encourage better environmental behavior among our community. This site is just a prototype, and we hope to have more sophisticated versions soon.
The Wesleyan Eco-Map highlights changes in energy usage in different buildings on campus over time, based solely on changes in human behavior. The Eco-Map is a part of the greater Wesleyan Eco-Tools initiative. Eco-Tools is a site intended to provide practical and accessible tools to enable members of the Wesleyan community to be more aware of their environmental impacts. Eco-Tools has been established with the immediate goal of better informing the Wesleyan community, but we hope that it will also serve as a model for future similar initiatives elsewhere. This initiative hopes to help members of the Wesleyan community to make informed decisions about their behavior and to be more aware of the longer-term impacts of the products that they use on a daily basis.
- Energy Use on Campus
Below is a prototype of a map with as cross-time slider. To view data, please move the slider to Oct 2012-Jan 2013.
More energy